PSCA Constitution & Bylaws

  1. The name of the society is “The British Columbia Post-Secondary Counsellors’ Association,” hereinafter referred to as the Association or PSCA.
  2. The purposes of the Association are:
  1. To be the association of Professional Counsellors employed in British Columbia colleges, institutes and universities.
  2. To serve as the official voice and to represent the interests of its Regular Members.
  3. To function as a non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-profit association.
  4. To remain an independent provincial organization.
ARTICLE I: Membership

1. The Association shall consist of the following levels of membership:

  1. Regular Members
  2. Student Members
  3. Honorary Members
  4. Associate Members
  5. Retired Members

2. Membership at any level will be granted to those individuals whose applications are accepted by the Association and who pay the appropriate annual membership fee, or, in the case of retired Counsellors, to those who have been designated by the Board of Directors as Honorary Members.

3. Regular Members

  1. A Regular Member of the Association may be any individual with at least a Masters Degree in Counselling or a related discipline who is employed in the B.C. Post Secondary system as a Counsellor or who is recognized by the Board of Directors as functioning principally as a Counsellor in the BC Post Secondary System.
  2. Further, a Regular Member may be any individual who, through not titled “Counsellor”, functions principally as a counsellor as adjudicated by the Board of Directors, and who has at least a Masters Degree in Counselling or a related discipline.
  3. Membership continues to be open to all members who were active in at least one of the two years immediately prior to the 1993 Annual General Meeting.

4. Student Members. A Student Member may be any individual who is currently enrolled in a graduate level degree training program in counselling or related field as recognized by the Board of Directors.

5. Honorary Members. The status of Honorary Member may be designated, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, to any Counsellor who has been an ongoing, contributing regular Member of the Association for a minimum of five years prior to retirement. Honorary status has no dues obligations.

6. Associate Members. As Associate Member is any individual who at least a Masters Degree of equivalent graduate training in Counselling or a related discipline who does not quality for Regular Membership and wishes to support the goals of the Association (2000 special resolution)

7. Retired Members. A Retired Member is a former Regular Member of the Association who is no longer eligible for Regular Membership due to retirement, but who wishes to continue membership in the Association.

8. Membership Fees

  1. The annual dues for both Regular Members and Associate Members will be the same, and will be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. Student Members and Retired Members will pay one half of the annual dues paid by Regular and Associate Members.
  3. Honorary Members will be assessed no fees.

9. Membership in the Association may be terminated for any one of the following reasons:

  1. Personal request.
  2. Non-payment of annual dues or other debt to the Association.
  3. A decision of the voting membership.
  4. Failure to adhere to the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.

10. Pertaining to article 4 (iii) and (iv):

  1. Any member may be expelled by a Special Resolution passed at a General Meeting.
  2. The notice of the Special Resolution for expulsion will be accompanied by a brief statement of the reason or reasons for the proposed expulsion.
  3. A member who is the subject of the proposed Special Resolution for expulsion will be given an opportunity to be heard at the General Meeting before the Special Resolution is put to a vote.

11. Any member whose eligibility as a member changes will be allowed, by request to the Board of Directors, to continue in the Association for the balance of the year.

ARTICLE II : Rights and responsibilities of members
  1. It is the right of all members to be informed of the proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Association.
  2. It is the right of all members to be informed of upcoming meetings of the membership.
  3. It is the right of all members to be heard on issues facing the Association.
  4. Only Regular Members may vote or hold office.
  5. It is the responsibility of all members to adhere to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, to uphold its Code of Ethics, and to be guided by the Standards of Practice for Counselling Services.

1. An Annual General Meeting will be held once every calendar year, presided over by the Association President.

2. Any general meeting other than the Annual General Meeting will be a Special General Meeting.

3. Notice of the place, date, hour, and agenda must be communicated to all members by the Secretary or President at least one month prior to the Annual General Meeting and at least two weeks prior to a Special General Meeting.

4. Voting:

  1. The quorum for any general meeting is 25% of all members in good standing. If a quorum is called, proxies will be included.
  2. A proxy vote must be in writing and may be presented by the Secretary or another designated member and will be cast as indicated on the ballot.
  3. Decisions at any general meeting will be based upon a simple majority, recording the votes of Regular Members present or voting by proxy.

5. Every resolution is an Ordinary Resolution, unless it is a Special Resolution pertaining to the expulsion of a member, the removal of a Director, a vote of confidence, the issuing of a debenture, or amendment to the Bylaws.

6. Notice of a Special Resolution must be communicated to all members at least two weeks prior to the general meeting at which it will be discussed, except for notice of amendments to the Bylaws which requires one month’s written notice to members.

7. The minutes of all general meetings will be circulated to all members following the meeting.

8. Special General Meetings of the Association may be held at the call of the Board of Directors or the President, or at the written request of not fewer than 10% of the members of the Association.

9. Activities of the Association may be carried out through committees which are responsible to the Association’s Board of Directors and through it to the Association membership

ARTICLE IV: Board of Directors

1. The Board of Directors consists of the President, Vice President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director and at least six Members-at-large, one of which may be a Retired/Honorary Member.

2. The term of office for Directors is two years, and may be renewed for a maximum of three terms.

3. Nomination and Election of Directors:

  1. The Board of Directors and the Officers are elected at an Annual General Meeting.
  2. Nominations for the Board of Directors may be made to the Secretary, in writing, prior to an Annual General Meeting.
  3. Nominations from the floor may be received at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting for election.
  4. A retiring Director is eligible for re-election.

4. Members-at-Large are, so far as is possible, representative of various characteristics of the membership not otherwise represented on the Board of Directors in order to sustain communication links with members distributed throughout the British Columbia post secondary system.

5. The Association may, from time to time, increase or reduce the number of Directors by Ordinary Resolution, whether previous notice thereof has been given or not, provided that the number of Directors never be fewer than eight.

6. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors between elections may be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors.

7. Any Director who is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors, unless such absence has been excused by the Directors, thereupon ceases to be a Director and will be so notified in writing by the Secretary.

8. The Association may, by Special Resolution, remove any Director before the expiration of his or her period of service, and may, by Ordinary Resolution, appoint another person.

9. A Director may cease to be a Director for any one of the following reasons:

  1. Unexcused absence from meetings of the Directors
  2. Resignation
  3. A decision of the voting membership
  4. Failure to uphold the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.

10. Pertaining to article 9 (ii) and (iii):

  1. A Director may be expelled by a Special Resolution passed at a General Meeting.
  2. The notice of the Special Resolution for expulsion will be accompanied by a brief statement of the reason or reasons for the proposed expulsion.
  3. A Director who is the subject of the proposed Special Resolution for expulsion will be given an opportunity to be heard at the General Meeting before the Special Resolution is put to a vote.
ARTICLE V: Powers and duties of directors

1. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to manage the affairs of the Association, including its financial affairs, between Annual General Meetings. The Board will conduct its affairs consistent with the purposes and bylaws of the Association.

2. Meetings of the Board

  1. The Board of Directors will meet at least twice a year on specified dates, in person or by telephone conference call, to discuss the affairs and conduct the business of the Association.
  2. The Board may be called to meet at any time at the request of three Directors.
  3. At least one week’s notice of any Board meeting must be given to Directors.
  4. The quorum necessary for the transaction of any business by the Board is the majority of the Directors at that time.

3. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to inform the Association membership about issues which come before the Board, and of actions taken by the Board on their behalf.

4. The Directors will submit to each Annual General Meeting detailed financial statements explaining the affairs of the Association for the previous fiscal year, with the balance sheet prepared by the Treasurer and reviewed by the President of the Association.

5. The deliberations, decisions, and actions of the Board of Directors are subject to ratification by the Association membership at the Association’s next general meeting.

6. Loss of confidence

  1. Failure of any general meeting to support actions of the Board of Directors will result in all members being notified by mail and a vote of confidence being taken.
  2. Failure of the Board of Directors to win a majority vote of confidence will result in its resignation.

7. The Past-President, upon receipt of the Board’s resignation, will notify all members, and call a Special General Meeting for elections.

8. No Director will be remunerated for being or acting as a director, but a Director may be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while engaged in the affairs of the Association.

9. If no Annual General Meeting is held, or a Special General Meeting for election fails to elect a new Board of Directors and Officers, then the existing Directors and Officers will continue to be the Directors and Officers until they tender their resignations or are replaced by a vote of the general membership.

ARTICLE VI: Officers

1. The officers of the Association are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Director, who together with the Past-President, constitute the Executive Committee.

2. The term of an Officer is two years, and may be renewed for a maximum of three terms.

3. Nomination and Election of Officers

  1. Officers of the Association will be elected by members at an Annual General Meeting.
  2. Nominations for the officers may be made to the Secretary in writing prior to an Annual General Meeting.
  3. Nominations from the floor may be received at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting for election.
  4. A retiring Officer is eligible for re-election.

4. The Executive Committee may administer the affairs of the Association should the Board of Directors be unable to meet. Decisions of the Executive Committee are subject to the ratification of the Board of Directors.

5. The President presides at all Board and General Meetings, reports to the Board of Directors and thence annually to the Annual General Meeting, and ensures that reports of Officers and committees are made to the Annual General Meeting.

6. The Vice-President assists the President, assumes the duties of the President in the latter’s absence, organizes teleconference meetings, and oversees the production of the Newsletter.

7. The Secretary records the minutes of all meetings, keeps official records including decisions on policy, current issues of the Constitution and Bylaws, the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Practice for Counselling Services. The Secretary is also responsible for managing correspondence and notifying members of general meetings.

8. The Treasurer keeps the financial records, pays bills on authorization of the Board of Directors, presents regular financial reports to the Board of Directors, and presents the Association’s yearly financial statements and annual budget to the Annual General Meeting.

9. The Membership Director maintains and reports up-to-date membership information, conducts membership drives, and in cooperation with the Secretary, ensures that all members receive copies of the Associations Constitution and Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, and any other documents approved by the Board.

ARTICLE VII: Financial Management
  1. The fiscal year of the Association is from April 1 to March 31.
  2. The financial records of the Association will be inspected each year, and the Directors may order an inspection of the books and accounts at any time.
  3. The financial records of the Association including all books and accounts records may be inspected by any Regular Member of the Association upon prior arrangement.
  4. The Association may not issue a debenture unless authorized by Special Resolution which may confer a general power on the directors to issue debentures for a period not exceeding one year from the date the resolution is passed.
  1. The Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, the minutes of general meetings and of meetings of the Board of Directors, and other official documents will be kept by the Secretary of the Association.
  2. Motions to amend the Bylaws of the Association must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors.
  3. Any resolution to amend the Bylaws in a Special Resolution which will be circulated in writing to members at least one month prior to any meeting the Special Resolution to amend is to be presented.
  4. A resolution to amend the Associations will be passed if it is agreed to by at least 51% of all current Regular Members, whether are voting in person or by proxy.
  1. All contracts between the Association and others will be made in the name of the Association.
  2. In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Association, funds and assets of the Association remaining after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities will be given or transferred to such organization or organizations promoting the same or similar purposes as this Association, as may be determined by the Board of Directors. In the event that the foregoing cannot be effected, then such funds and assets will be given to some other provincial organization or organization(s) whose purposes support quality student services at the post-secondary level.