Frequently Asked Questions

We update our FAQs as we come across common questions.

I bought my membership between January 1 and March 31, do I have to buy again on April 1?

No, we will manually extend your membership for the full year ahead if you register between January 1 and March 31 of a year.

Example: you register on February 9, 2022. We will extend your membership to be valid through to March 31 of 2023.

Do I do anything to join the mailing list?

No. If you have registered for membership, we automatically add you to the mailing list within 3 business days.

If you feel you haven’t been added, please email

I didn't get an invoice!

You should recieve an invoice as an attachment to the email receipt you automatically get from our payment system.

But if not, log into the BC PSCA website and navigate to your account page. There is an invoice tab with all invoices available for download as PDFs. 

How-To Guides

Click to download the How-to Guide for Invidual Membership >

Click to download the How-to Guide for Institutional Membership >